Get started

A brief description of how to get started as quickly as possible. Only the most important parts are mentioned without going into details.

Add teams

Skip this if it is single league.

Add all teams that will be in the competition. Do this in the Teams / Add team menu.

Enter team name and leave the status as Active. If you do not know the name right now, you can enter temporary names and change later.

Add players

There are two ways to add players to the league. Either you add them as an administrator, or the players can create an account and apply to the league themselves. The link to the application form can be found in the Control Panel at the league overview (top item in the left menu).

Add players to to the league, and place these players in a team if it is team league. This is done under the Players / Add player menu.

If you need to enter many players quickly, you can do it under the Players / Add to multiple players menu. Enter a player on each row. On every row you can enter Name and Email address by separating these with a comma. You only need to enter one of these.


Mary Johnson,, Stephen Smith

Add players to teams

If you manage teams then you need to add players to a team. This can be done either by selecting players and there entering a team. Or you can choose the team and add players to the team.

Adjust the round dates

Enter the correct dates for the round using the left side menu Round 1 / Modify round / Modify dates.

Start and End date must be entered but Last registration is optional. If you enter a last registration, the players can no longer report results after that time. This is good if you want to make sure that no late results are reported after you have started to set up the next round.


Locations and courts

If you have multiple courts and want the players to see and enter which court to play, enter court name here.

Scoring system

This quick guide assumes that you have used a template to set up the scoring system. If you want to adjust or create new, you can read more about this on the Scoring system page.

Default values

Here you can specify how many players or teams normally play in each division. This is just a the default values that will be used when creating new divisions, but can be changed later per division. The same applies to Move up, Move down and Number of meetings.


If you want to give your league a more unique look, you can add a logo and change colors.

Custom page

Add a custom page to add a menu to the league with information to the players. For example, a page with your rules.

Email messages

Set up the types of messages your players will receive. Pay special attention if you want to send calendar bookings (meeting bookings) as well as reminders.

If you have created a match schedule, calendar bookings will be sent when you publish the game. If the round is already published, calendar bookings will be sent directly.

Create division

Under the Manage tables menu, just add the divisions and then add players or teams to them. First round, you must move the teams or players manually by using the drop down menu Move selected to. After the first round, the system can handle this automatically using the green button Move automatically. You can drag and drop players or teams between divisions using the two-way arrow (up and down).

Match schedule

Skip this step if you do not have pre-arranged matches, and it is up to everyone to play all matches before the round is over.

Adding a match schedule is simply adding a number of booked matches in advance, so everyone plays each other (so called round robin). This can be done manually or through an import, but easiest is to let the system generate these booked matches automatically. This is done under Scheduled matches / Generate match schedule.

Recurring times

Before the first round, you must add recurring times. That is time slots that are available to the players or teams. In this quick guide, we assume it's a simple schedule with maximum 1 match a week, each week. But it is possible to create a more complex pattern.

Select day and time for a week when a match is to be played. Enter any location (eg a court) and if you want to reserve this time to a particular division.

At the top of the "Generate match schedule" page, you will get a hint on how many recurring times to set up in order to play the round as quickly as possible. If you fewer recurring times, it will also take longer to play the round.

Preview and create

After you have created the recurring times, click Step 1: Preview. If you are satisfied with the setup, proceed creating the booked matches with Step2: Create booked matches.


Before publishing the round, see how the tables will look like and click on the square and arrow icon next to the league title (highlighted in the image below).

When you're ready to publish the round, just click the Publish round button.

Once you've published the round, you'd probably like to communicate it to all the players.

The players you added as an administrator must reset their password to log in for the first time. They can either do throught the usual login page (forgotten password) or the following link:

You can let the system create an email list for you based on which players are in the current round. Click on Players / Show players in round 1 and then Functions / Email list.


When the round is published and the players are informed, it basically runs by it self. Besides answering questions from the players, you do not need to do anything until the next round. And then it's much easier to setup the next round. If we assume that all players or teams are still playing and no new ones have entered, you can publish the next round in a just few minutes with these simple steps:

  1. Create a new round (top menu)

  2. Click the green button Move automatically (Manage tables)

  3. Possibly preview and create a match schedule (Generate match schedule)

  4. Publish round

Good luck!

Last updated